Friday, March 27, 2020

An Algebra 2 Common Core Edition Help Book

An Algebra 2 Common Core Edition Help BookI am fond of using Holt McDougal Larson to teach my students at the elementary level. We all know that in the year 2020, the U.S. Department of Education and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are being adopted by most, if not all, states in the United States. This is not good news for teachers and students.The federal government, and the U.S. Department of Education, have determined that the goal of the CCSS is to make sure that students are able to take basic courses in reading, writing, mathematics, and other subjects, while at the same time encouraging them to learn new subjects. The intent of the CCSS is to develop successful and self-sufficient citizens in a rapidly changing country.The most obvious challenge of teaching in this scenario is the new terminology and concepts that are included in the CCSS. It will be necessary to use new textbooks that incorporate all of the CCSS courses. The book that comes with the supplement for the CCSS is one of the first to go, as it was designed years ago for older students. It had all of the old terms and concepts incorporated into it, which means that all of your students won't be using this book.Because the CCSS includes a course in algebra, it will be necessary to teach students some new concepts. I would recommend that you look for a book called 'Algebra 2 Common Core Edition Help'. This will give you a complete guide to teaching algebra 2, including exercises, worksheets, and math solutions.Of course, I would also recommend that you find a book that focuses on calculus classes, or even a companion guide to these classes. These books will allow you to work with all of the different types of problems and will also include formulas and explanations of different techniques.Finally, you should also find a book that focuses on testing, because most middle and high school tests for algebra will be the CCSS assessments. I would recommend that you find a book that focuses on the standardized assessments that will come with the CCSS to help you with the test preparation that you will need to do.Keep in mind that you will also need to write new tests for students, based on the CCSS standards, so I would recommend that you find a book like 'Algebra 2 Common Core Edition Help' that will help you prepare for all of these things. This will help you be well prepared for the new CCSS examinations and provide a more comprehensive guide for teaching algebra.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Guiding Your Uncertain Teen Toward College

Guiding Your Uncertain Teen Toward College When youve put money away in that 529 plan and talked with your child for years about college, it might feel like a punch to the gut when your teen suddenly declares that they arent interested. What can you do? Here are a few tips to guide your uncertain teen toward the pursuit of higher education: Talk about the higher earning potential. As teens become more independent, the appeal of a more comfortable living might be a good way to nudge them toward college. After all, its been proven over and over again that workers with bachelors degrees earn more than those with high school diplomas. This Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows that the median weekly earnings of a worker with a bachelors degree is $461 higher per week than a worker with a high school diploma. Talk about the big difference in unemployment rates. College or no college, your teen will need to support him- or herself as an adult, and its a lot easier to be employable with a college degree. The same BLS report mentioned above shows that the unemployment rate of workers with high school diplomas is 4.6%. Those with bachelors degrees, on the other hand, boast an impressive 2.5% unemployment rate. Discuss the fact that college is where self-exploration happens. A common complaint among uncertain teens is that they dont know what they want to study or do for a career. While it would be great if your teen were decisive about the future, college is the time to self-exploration and discovering interests. If your teen hasnt gravitated toward a high school subject, in college, theyll be pleased to discover a range of interesting majors that go beyond the typical English, math, and science disciplines theyre used tofrom exercise science to philosophy, from graphic design to political science. Share that even some college is a smart idea. At a minimum, your teen should give college a try. The fear of the unknown might be holding them back, but the truth is, they arent alone. College can seem as nerve-wracking as it is exciting. But the fact is that the earning potential of a high school graduate with at least some college education is higher than that of a student with no college at all. Encourage your teen to commit to one year of college. Chances are, theyll find it valuable even enjoyable by the end of those nine months. Make it sound fun. If your attempts to elevate colleges importance flop, try the easy route. Tell your teen that college is a great time. There are new people to meet and many activities and clubs with which your teen could get involved. College campus life is vibrant and exciting. Your teen will get the chance to explore newfound passions and do things on their own for the first time. It is the perfect opportunity to reinvent themselves. You might not be able to change your teens mind overnight about college, but be persistent and patient. Offer your advice and encourage your teen to be open-minded and do a little soul-searching. College will benefit your teen in numerous ways. Do your best to convince your child it is worthwhile!

Halloween and the establishment of gender roles

Halloween and the establishment of gender roles PartyCity.coms boys and girls toddler Cookie Monster costumes So although I was concerned? disappointed? upon seeing a post on Tumblr the other day comparing the boys and girls options for Cookie Monster toddler-sized costumes (see image, left) the other day, I cant say I was surprised. Now, Im not saying that someone sat down and brainstormed how they could make the toddler girls Cookie Monster costume sexy. I rather hope that anyone who would do such a thing is, you know, in jail. But I also think that the comparison at left shows the roots of the gender divide in Halloween costumes. The costume intended for boys (and therefore marketed to the parents of boys) is concerned with actually duplicating to some degree what Cookie Monster actually looks like. It also looks like its made of warm material, which is important in a large sector of the United States. By contrast, the girls Cookie Monster costume (marketed to the parents of girls) is merely a hat tip to the character of Cookie Monster slapped onto the basic frame of a frilly dress. There is essentially no attempt to make the costume actually look like Cookie Monster. And if relative warmth of a costume is an issue, parents will have to provide a turtleneck and tights to wear under the dress themselves, because keeping the costumed girl warm is clearly not a priority of this costume either. On, the toddler boys section of costumes has separate career and classic themed sub-sections. In the toddler girls section, the two are combined.   Careers to which the boys might aspire? NASCAR driver, police officer (including SWAT and regular uniforms), soldier (generic army), admiral, fighter pilot, commercial pilot, firefighter, astronaut, UPS driver, postal worker, magician, and clown. With the girls career costumes combined with the classic ones, its difficult to pinpoint the precise number of careers Party City believes little girls might be aspiring to. Near as I can tell, they are as follows: cowgirl, cheerleader, clown, magician (although Id have pegged the costume as a magic-using princess if they hadnt labeled it as a magician), celebrity starlet (a la Paris Hilton), half-pint referee (in a miniskirt even the NFL replacement refs didnt wear miniskirts), and a can-can girl. PartyCity.coms toddler Superman and Wonder Woman costumes Further perusal of the selection of toddler costumes shows a general tendency for the boys costumes to attempt to duplicate (with varying degrees of simplification) the actual look of whatever the costume ostensibly represents whilst there is a general tendency for the girls costumes to attempt to fit whatever the costume ostensibly represents to a frilly dress, usually at the expense of direct representation. Often with the girls costumes there isnt even an attempt to pretend a real thing is being represented a frilly tutu dress with a cupcake on it becomes a Lil Cupcake costume. Is she supposed to be a cupcake? A person who sells cupcakes? A person who eats cupcakes? Its not a costume! Its a frilly dress with a cupcake on it! Another tendency I noticed is that with the boys costumes there is a marked tendency to add muscles. This is not particularly unexpected when youre talking about the superhero costumes (such as the toddler Superman costume at left), but it becomes a bit ridiculous when the toddler astronaut costume adds muscles. Im pretty sure you cant see muscles in a spacesuit! Maybe Im just looking at them from the wrong angle. This pattern of adding muscles to boys costumes even when logic dictates one shouldnt is not at all present in girls costumes even the superhero ones. Arguably, WonderWoman should have some muscles. Magic bracelets or no, shes a superhero, and Im pretty sure theyve got muscles. But the WonderWoman costume is just a dress and some accessories. (And I wont even mention the fact that whilst none of the boys in any of the age groups are wearing discernable makeup unless its an intrinsic part of the costume, even the toddler girls are clearly fully made up. Lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, blush, the whole deal.) My favorite irony in the toddler section, however, is that in the boys selection of TV/movie costumes, there is a costume for Hedwig, Harry Potters pet owl. There is not a Hedwig costume (nor indeed any Harry Potter-related costume) in the toddler girls section. This is ironic because Hedwig is a female owl. (Apparently she was played in the films by a male owl, but she was still referred to in said films as a female character.) PartyCity.coms kids cowboy and cowgirl costumes I moved on to investigate the kids section, which is again divided into boys and girls sections and further subdivided by theme. On the plus side, in this age group there are enough career costumes for the girls to have their own section of them. Of course, said section is still littered with careers such as cupcake cutie, gypsy princess (nice work if you can get it?), 1950s carhop (aka waitress), another miniskirted-referee, another impractically-dressed cowgirl (my sister is the genuine article and I promise you shes never looked anything like the girls costume at left, although she has come close to the boys version), and three varieties of cheerleader, none of whom sound particularly cheery (the bad spirit cheerleader, the cheerless cheerleader, and the gothic cheerleader). There is a doctor costume which pops up in the results, but it is the same costume thats listed in the boys section, right down to the little boy who is modeling it. Naturally the boys career selection is somewhat better at having actual careers represented. Additionally, the trend of boys costumes leaning more towards actual representation and girls costumes leaning towards making the supposed subject of the costume fit onto a dress continues in the older age group, even extending to odd costumes like the birds from the game Angry Birds. The boy version is vaguely angry bird-shaped, whilst the girl version is a little red dress with an angry bird face on it. PartyCity.coms boys Escaped Prisoner and girls Miss Dee Meaner Prisoner costumes And then theres the criminal costumes. For toddlers, there was one prisoner costume. It was essentially striped pajamas and was listed only under the boys section. For older kids, there are boys and girls options. The boys option (far left) is simply titled Escaped Prisoner costume and consists of loose-fitting striped pajamas, a pair of over-size manacles, and ball and chain for the childs ankle. The girls option, on the other hand, is titled Miss Dee Meaner Prisoner costume. It consists of capri-length leggings, a fitted tunic, and pink handcuff bracelets. Its a pretty short step from this to the Wardens Mistress womens costume, thats all Im saying. In and of itself, the Miss Dee Meaner costume (which again, is intended for young girls, not teens) is perhaps only minorly problematic. Indeed, in and of itself, the toddler Cookie Monster dress isnt particularly problematic. Its not particularly effective either, at least not if ones goal is to dress ones child up as Cookie Monster, but hey, some little girls just want to wear a frilly dress. Which is fine. If your little girl wants a frilly dress, give the girl a frilly dress. But the problem is that unless the parent (or the child) thinks to/is willing to look in the boys costumes as well, there arent very many options that arent a frilly dress or, as the child gets older, a slinky dress. PartyCity.coms toddler Lil Cupcake and teen Cupcake Girl costumes For example, the Lil Cupcake frilly dress for the toddler (far left) turns into the Cupcake Girl extremely abbreviated slinky dress (near left) for the teen. And Im still not entirely sure what career this represents for the toddler, or how cupcake patterned minidress qualifies as a classic costume for the teen. Then again, perhaps the reason why costume makers for young girls find it so difficult to create girl versions of police officer costumes or firefighter costumes or military costumes has to do with what the woman versions of those costumes look like. As far as people who make costumes for grown-ups are concerned, female Naval officers look like this, female Army commandos like this, female fighter pilots (excuse me, Air Force Angels, because obviously there are no female fighter pilots) like this, female cops like this, female firefighters like this, female astronauts like this, and they have no idea what female doctors look like, because all female medical professionals are nurses who look something like this. This article doesnt even really begin to scratch the surface of the murky gender issues surrounding Halloween and I didnt even get to reminisce about all the varieties of sexy _____ to which I bore witness over three Halloweens at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, but I hope Ive given yall something to think about. Im not sure what my Halloween plans are this year, but if I do find myself a party to attend, I think Ill just go as Arthur Dent from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Yeah, hes a man and Im not, but all Id need would be pajamas, a robe, and a towel. Sounds like a plan to me.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Tips On How To Deal With College Roommates

5 Tips On How To Deal With College Roommates A roommate I love College roommates are one of the most unique, wild, and uncomfortable social experiments to ever exist. Were all trying to find ourselves in these pivotal years, and most of us are stressed/ cracked out on caffeine. These factors only heighten our emotional states. Paired with the fact we need to cohabitate with each other creates a boiling pot of emotions and boundaries being crossed. My freshman living situation was one hazy fever dream My roommate was the physical antithesis of me. He was a tall, built, football-player who dwarfed me which made my initial trepidation about meeting him only greater. I had never lived with another man before besides my father, who snores like a fog horn and burps just to annoy me. The idea of being forced to cohabit in laughably small room with a boy my age was both terrifying and fascinating to me. The reality of the situation, however, is that we were not the most compatible to live with each other. There’s a list of horrors that include (but ar e not limited to): ball pythons with homicidal eyes, dip spit cups, and the whole ‘he never ever did his laundry’ thing. If I hadn’t been so meek maybe I could have made some changes. I eventually found solace when he had to leave school and I had my entire room to myself for most of Spring Semester. Deep down, I had a strange fondness for the guy. He was kind at heart, albeit misguided, and helped me dunk my toes into the deep pool that is potential roommate conflicts. Here is my advice on how to deal with a roommate who might not be the most pleasant to live with: 1.    Be up-front and bold with the rules- Lay down all nit-picky rules you’re going to need to beforehand. Even things you think you may never need, such as “Please don’t use my toothpaste,” or “Please make sure your friends don’t write on our walls with chalk.” That way, nothing is a surprise for anyone. We’ve all had living situations in which we just wanted to be pals with our roommates and therefore we were meek about our needs. Then, a few months into the semester you’re pulling out your hair at the passive aggressive notes they leave on your white board. “Clean up the dishes, please  it’s starting to smell like a homeless shelter in here.” Oh, yea?   2.    On that note, just avoid leaving notes: I understand that it’s 2013 and the Internet has turned us all into huge babies who shy away from combative, in-person interaction, but passive aggressive notes are never the route to take. Don’t write them, don’t indulge in them. Every smiley face my roommates would use against felt like a bitch slap to the face. Every ‘love you!’ felt synonymous with “fuck you.” Just sit down face to face. You know, like the adults we’re all demanding to be treated like. 3.   Don’t talk behind their backs! Okay, who am I kidding, if a roommate eats all of my cereal, my first instinct is to call up my best friend and gossip like I’m at a French Salon. The #dark truth of the matter is that it almost always gets back to the roommate. If this happens, and it will, you can just take pleasure in reenacting a scene directly from The Hills; you know the one where Lauren screams at Heidi “YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!” Don’t lie; you know which one I’m talking about. loves it 4.      Aggressively walk around in your underwear / a cat onesie and whisper nonsensical things until they leave for the night and you’re free to use the living room to watch Game of Thrones and openly weep without judgment. Make sure your roommate knows you need your space and alone time. It’s not you being a jerk, it’s you loving yourself and making sure you have time to decompress. 5.     Get rid of them. If all else fails, take back your castle! Or studio apartment, or whatever. Put Nair in their conditioner, tell them you have mono and promise to infect the whole apartment unless they leave. Get a cat and tell them Mr. Whiskers is moving into their room. This may be tricky since there are legally binding leases involved with having roommates, but no matter! Go Lindsay-Lohan-Parent-Trap style on their ass and move all their furniture to the roof.  No, don’t do any of those things. If you and a roommate literally can’t see eye-to-eye, it’s best to try and figure out alternative arrangements for one of you. Living with someone you despise is completely toxic and so detrimental to both your mental and physical health. roommates / studz I’ve been lucky to make some wonderful friends through living with people (all the ones featured in these photos + ones who are not) It’s completely possible to cohabitate with another human being without the result being homicide. Roommate scuffles can be a battleground in which the worst version of you becomes a warrior. As long as your roommate isn’t a total sociopath, you should be able to sit down and discuss things thoroughly. We’re here in college to get an education, but we’re also here to gain the life skills necessary to be independent, experienced adults.

italki 2016 New Year Language Challenge Public Pledge videos !

italki 2016 New Year Language Challenge Public Pledge videos ! Dont forget to sign up for yourself, this time is FREE! Get the New Year of to a great start! Life Hacks research  has shown that if you put yourself up to something by making a public commitment, are likely to reach your goals because  others are watching.  Use peer-pressure to your advantage! Help out your fellow language learners participating in the challenge!  Leave words of encouragement on their notebook entries! Roman   from Russia is learning ASL(American Sign Language) Roman is a member of Mobile App development team in italki.  He has already completed previous italki Language Challenges and this time hes going to discover the mysteries of ASL (American Sign Language)! The rest of our team enjoyed his public pledge video, so give him some support by leaving a quick message in his  notebook. Tay is learning Italian! Shes been learning Italian for a year already and has set goals to master pronouns and carry on a conversation with a native speaker.  We have no doubt she will see lots of improvement in time for her to lead a tour to Italy! Laeticia  is learning Korean! We have no doubt shell soon be ordering food like a champion and chatting all day on KakaoTalk with her friends in Korea!  Good luck! Kai from Singapore is learning Korean! Mamen   from Spain is learning Italian! Mamen is a professional Spanish teacher on italki and shes participating our New Years Language Challenge learning Italian! Indran from Missouri, USA is learning Arabic! He already has a lot of confidence while speaking!  Best of luck to Indran as he continues to improve his Arabic. Alyssa is learning Slovene! AND FRENCH!!! Alyssa has studied French before but is worried she will forget her it if she doesnt use it.  What a great opportunity to refresh skills she learned in the past!  Use it, so you dont lose it! Omar from Mexico City is learning Latin! Omar already speaks fluent Spanish and English.  Now he has the dream to travel to Vatican City to attend and understand a mass with the Popegiven entirely in Latin!  Good luck, Omar!  Carpe Diem! Hannah  a.k.a. Océanne  is learning Icelandic and Finnish Hannahs friends have been telling her about italki for a long time and shes ready to join us.   Good luck learning Icelandic!  We look forward to seeing your progress! Eileen is learning Portuguese! Her goal is to speak fearlessly when talking to her tutor.  We have no doubt she will be chatting like a pro after our challenge! Michaela from New Zealand is studying  Hebrew and Arabic! Good luck Michaela!  Your hard work is going to pay off! Vera is working to improve her English! Good job, Vera.  Your English is already very good, and it will continue to improve with this challenge. Kevin is learning Urdu! Wow, it already sounds great Kevin.  Keep up the good work! italki 2016 New Year Language Challenge Public Pledge videos ! Dont forget to sign up for yourself, this time is FREE! Get the New Year of to a great start! Life Hacks research  has shown that if you put yourself up to something by making a public commitment, are likely to reach your goals because  others are watching.  Use peer-pressure to your advantage! Help out your fellow language learners participating in the challenge!  Leave words of encouragement on their notebook entries! Roman   from Russia is learning ASL(American Sign Language) Roman is a member of Mobile App development team in italki.  He has already completed previous italki Language Challenges and this time hes going to discover the mysteries of ASL (American Sign Language)! The rest of our team enjoyed his public pledge video, so give him some support by leaving a quick message in his  notebook. Tay is learning Italian! Shes been learning Italian for a year already and has set goals to master pronouns and carry on a conversation with a native speaker.  We have no doubt she will see lots of improvement in time for her to lead a tour to Italy! Laeticia  is learning Korean! We have no doubt shell soon be ordering food like a champion and chatting all day on KakaoTalk with her friends in Korea!  Good luck! Kai from Singapore is learning Korean! Mamen   from Spain is learning Italian! Mamen is a professional Spanish teacher on italki and shes participating our New Years Language Challenge learning Italian! Indran from Missouri, USA is learning Arabic! He already has a lot of confidence while speaking!  Best of luck to Indran as he continues to improve his Arabic. Alyssa is learning Slovene! AND FRENCH!!! Alyssa has studied French before but is worried she will forget her it if she doesnt use it.  What a great opportunity to refresh skills she learned in the past!  Use it, so you dont lose it! Omar from Mexico City is learning Latin! Omar already speaks fluent Spanish and English.  Now he has the dream to travel to Vatican City to attend and understand a mass with the Popegiven entirely in Latin!  Good luck, Omar!  Carpe Diem! Hannah  a.k.a. Océanne  is learning Icelandic and Finnish Hannahs friends have been telling her about italki for a long time and shes ready to join us.   Good luck learning Icelandic!  We look forward to seeing your progress! Eileen is learning Portuguese! Her goal is to speak fearlessly when talking to her tutor.  We have no doubt she will be chatting like a pro after our challenge! Michaela from New Zealand is studying  Hebrew and Arabic! Good luck Michaela!  Your hard work is going to pay off! Vera is working to improve her English! Good job, Vera.  Your English is already very good, and it will continue to improve with this challenge. Kevin is learning Urdu! Wow, it already sounds great Kevin.  Keep up the good work!

American Chemistry Society Exam - What Are The American Chemistry Society Exam And How Can You Prepare For It?

American Chemistry Society Exam - What Are The American Chemistry Society Exam And How Can You Prepare For It?If you are interested in taking the American Chemistry Society exam, you are probably reading this article because you are looking for some good information on how to prepare. There are actually three different options you can take a look at. Each of these courses will have its own set of prerequisites that you must meet before being eligible to register for the course.The first method you can choose from is that of taking an online preparation course. You may have heard of the internet and how it can help you find many different types of education and training.Many people are starting to use the internet to help them prepare for their actual exam. This allows them to study and apply what they have learned during the online course to the actual exam. Not only does this allow you to get the knowledge you need to pass your American Chemistry Society exam, but it also gives you an opportunity to brush up on any additional skills you might have such as problem solving or critical thinking.As far as material goes, you'll need to bring back a copy of all of your textbooks with you when you arrive. You'll also need to bring the appropriate scientific notebook of notes so that you can record your notes. Taking a practice test on your computer is a great way to do this.You should also bring along an instructor who will help you with the chemical formulas and other useful pieces of information. The classroom will be one of the best ways to make sure that you understand the material and also will give you the opportunity to interact with the instructor. At the same time, you'll also get an excellent opportunity to meet others who are interested in this very specific field of study.Now that you have a better idea of the different ways you can approach the exam, you can take a closer look at what the course offers. There are different sections of the course, which a llow you to learn more about how to prepare for the American Chemistry Society exam. Each section includes a number of practice tests, which will help you get used to the format and familiarize yourself with the material.Some of the sections also include an actual exam with a simulation of the actual exam. This makes the materials even more interesting and helpful to understand, which helps you learn a lot more than simply reading about it. The material you study on the practical exam will also help you decide on which test you'll be taking.

Atlanta Georgia Online Schools - Tutoring Degrees at The Vanderbilt University

Atlanta Georgia Online Schools - Tutoring Degrees at The Vanderbilt UniversityTutoring at The Vanderbilt University in Atlanta, Georgia, is a program that can provide you with the degree of Master of Science in Teaching (MS TES) with an emphasis on Education and Teaching. This course allows students to study education through various fields such as applied education, science, and mathematics.Your chosen field can be as varied as computer science, biology, sociology, and more. Students have the option to get a bachelor's degree or even a master's degree. Any student who chooses to pursue education or teaching in Atlanta Georgia is accepted to the program.Whether you're looking for a bachelor's degree or a master's degree, your online college, also known as online degree, will be able to offer you an excellent education. Online tutoring and online classes can give you an excellent education. With this type of education, you can become a part of a learning community that includes online tutors, or the learning community can be self-teaching.Tutoring DeKalb Indiana has a program known as the Core Curriculum where all students enroll. You can study in a wide variety of subjects.Masters students take up the Masters in Teaching program. Here you can opt for teaching in various teaching professions.Another program offered by the tutoring dekalb Indiana is called Masters in Education Administration (MET). This course will help students strengthen their strengths such as organization, critical thinking, and communication skills. It also prepares them to promote the learning environment within the campus.These programs are offered in online college where students can study in their area of interest. The program is an excellent option because it allows the student to pursue a degree while staying at home. This gives the student the chance to enjoy life and avoid the demands of schooling.